Committee Members
Ginny Prince, Chair
Jim Fitch
Ed Woodbury
Conservation Commission Representative
Reyer Jaarsma
Select Board Representative
Jason Bourne
The Town Forest Committee meets at least three times a year. The public is welcome to attend meetings as well as the work parties that are held in the spring and fall. Dates will be announced on ConnectCornish and on the Cornish Town Forest facebook page.
The Cornish Town Forest was established in 1998 when the Cornish Conservation
Commission purchased the property from the Society for the Protection of NH Forests,
which retained a conservation easement. The forest is an undeveloped property of about
270 acres located near the southwest corner of town.
The terrain is undulating and mostly forested with exposed rock ledges, vernal pools,
seasonal streams, and wetlands and about ½ mile of high voltage power line, which
roughly bisects the property. Wildlife browse, den trees, and snags abound.
There is a rocky overlook (elevation 1,110 ft) with an excellent view of Mt. Ascutney.
When considered with abutting properties, as of 2001 the Forest comprised part of an
approximately 1800-acre area of undeveloped woodland.
The purpose of the town forest is to preserve undeveloped land for the benefit and
enjoyment of the residents of Cornish as well as others. There are trails for hiking,
mountain biking, skiing and snowshoeing. Motorized vehicles and horses are permitted
on Root Hill Rd, the loop road and power line right of way when the ground is dry. The
entire forest is open to licensed hunters in season. Twenty acres in the south and west portion
of the forest are designated for commercial timber management.