Road Agent
Wayne Gray email
255 Parsonage Road
603 675 2205
Mon–Fri: 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
The Cornish Highway Department is responsible for maintenance of the Town’s 54.85 miles of Class V Roads. Of our Class V Roads, 16.5 miles are paved and 38.35 miles are unpaved. The Highway Department is also responsible for snow removal from town buildings and school grounds.
For concerns about Town-maintained roads, contact the Road Agent.

NH Route 120, Town House Road, and NH Route 12-A are State-maintained Class II Roads.
For concerns about State-maintained roads, please contact the NH DOT District 2 Garage in Enfield 603 448 2654.
NOTICE: All driveway culverts remain the property and responsibility of the landowner per NH RSA 236:13.VI.
Driveway Permits
- For driveway permits on Town roads, contact the Road Agent. (View Town driveway regulations.)
- For permits on State roads (NH 12-A, NH 120, Town House Road) contact NH DOT.