Dial 911 for any emergency—medical, fire, or police-related.
Cornish Volunteer Fire Department
Mike Boutilier, CCISM, Chief
Bill Harthan, Assistant Chief
Forest Fire Warden
Mike Boutilier 603 675 2056
Forest Fire Deputy Wardens
Leland Atwood 603 543 3836
Gardiner Cass 603 543 7975
Nate Downing 603 558 1625
John Drye 603 568 8780
Joel Kinney
Leo Maslan 603 542 2371
Scott Reuthe 603 558 2590
Robert Rice 603 469 3572
Fire Station 1: 603 675 2177 (non-emergency)
Fire Station 2: 603 542 4605 (non-emergency)
Our firefighters would like to remind you that summer means campfire season, but please always be responsible for your fires. The primary cause of wildfires in New Hampshire is illegal or improperly maintained fires.

For Burn Permits: Contact any of the town’s Fire Wardens.
Burn Permits
Per NH Division of Forests and Lands, any size fire is subject to the law, specifically RSA 227-L:17(II):
“Anyone who wishes to burn clean, ordinary combustibles such as leaves, brush or untreated lumber, or have a camp or cooking fire must have written permission from the landowner and a fire permit from the local forest fire warden or local fire department in the town or city where the fire will be kindled. You must be at least 18 years of age to obtain a written fire permit.”
Permits are not required for gas or charcoal grills.
For more about our state’s Fire Permit Laws please see the NH Division of Forests and Lands Wildland Fire Prevention.