Cornish, New Hampshire

Cornish, New Hampshire

Planning Board Meeting

Town Offices (Second Floor) 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

AGENDA CORNISH PLANNING BOARD JULY 18, 2024, 7:00 PM CORNISH TOWN OFFICES, 488 TOWN HOUSE ROAD, CORNISH, NH Approval of Minutes 6/20/2024 Sandra Guest Revocable Family Trust – Completeness Review re: Major Subdivision, South Parsonage Road. Cornish Rescue Squad – … Continue reading

Select Board Meeting

Town Offices (Main Floor) 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH

The Select Board will hold regular office hours from 6:30-8:30 pm.

Library Trustee Work Meeting

PUBLIC NOTICE The George H. Stowell Free Library Trustees will hold a working meeting on Wednesday, July 24, at 6:00 pm at the location of the new Cornish Library and Community Center, 226 NH Route 120, Cornish, NH. The purpose … Continue reading

Conservation Commission

This is a public meeting; everyone is welcome to attend in person or via zoom. Email any questions to