Cornish Hens

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The Annual Cornish Hen Party is generally held on the first Sunday in October, at 5:00 pm, at the Cornish Town Hall. 

The Cornish Hen Party was started by the Cornish Quilters in 2005 as a potluck social for women of Cornish over the age of 18.* It is a chance to meet other women in town, make new friends, and see neighbors and friends for an evening meal.

We ask everyone to bring a potluck dish and serving utensil and bring your own plate, silverware, napkin, and mug/cup. (We are “green” Cornish Hens!) Beverages are provided.

Doors open at 5:00 pm. Dinner begins around 5:30 pm. After dinner, enjoy Circle Time if you can stay. (Circle Time is when we sit in a big circle and share something about ourselves if we would like to. We always learn something new and interesting about our sister Cornish Hens.) There are door prizes, too!

This event is free. Newcomers are especially welcomed and encouraged to attend. Carpooling is also encouraged. The Cornish Hen Party is announced in advance on ConnectCornish.

For more information, please call 603 675 2030

*We ask the Cornish Hens to leave roosters and baby chicks at home.