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Cornish Historical Society Catalog

The Society collection, on School Street, is a rich resource for our town and for anyone wishing to learn about Cornish history.

For questions about the database or for access to the collection, contact David Kruidenier at 919-673-0267 or email.

Cornish History on YouTube                                           

Because of the technical expertise supplied by Matt Wood, the Cornish Historical Society has converted its old VHS tapes to digital format and uploaded them to YouTube for viewing. In addition, Billy Sharff has filmed new interviews as part of our Film-Interview Project. All are available for viewing on YouTube. The Yatsevitch-Johnson film, the first one uploaded, has already been viewed close to two hundred times.


Jim Atkinson
Leland Atwood
Scott and Lee Baker
Jim and Regina Barker
Merilynn Bourne
Grace Bulkeley
Peter Burling
George and Jill Edson
Myrtle Feary*
James Brewster Fitch
Jim Fitch-Martha Zoerheide
Sandy Guest
Colonel Haldimand Putnam*
John and Linda Hammond
Frank Hawkins
Stuart and Mauri Hodgeman
Rob and Mariet Jaarsma
Connie Kousman
Dale Lawrence
Helen Lovell
Calvin Monroe
Rose Nelson*
Cheston Newbold
Charles Platt
Dan and Rickey Poor
John and Polly Rand
Ruth Rollins
Judy and Dale Rook
Jim and Jody Schubert
Peter and Caroline Storrs
Fred Sullivan and Duane Allen*
Steve Taylor
Nancy Wightman
Daisy Yatsevitch
Mike Yatsevitch (interviewed by Bernice Johnson)*



*Transferred from VHS tape

We are anxious to add to this collection. If anyone else in the community has tapes we can borrow or recommendations for people to be interviewed, please contact Steve Bobin at or 675-5513.

Exhibit at the Town Offices

CHS has also mounted, with the approval of the Select Board, an exhibit on the second floor of the Town Offices. This exhibit features more current history and showcases items relevant to persons presently living in the town, but there is a blend of old and new. See listing of items.

Of special note:

The Palmer Collection at Saint-Gaudens: Homes in Cornish and Plainfield. Photographs were taken by Tom Palmer, brother of William Palmer, for the 1985 Saint-Gaudens exhibition entitled “A Circle of Friends: Art Colonies of Cornish and Plainfield.”

Old Photographs of Cornish Homes and Buildings. Photographs from the CHS collection.

With Elmer Wood Bartlett on Dingleton Hill.” Glass slides made by Bartlett and converted into digital images and photographs by Cheston and Nancy Newbold. 

Vertical File

CHS is proceeding with a project to digitize its Vertical File collection. Contents include newspaper articles, periodical articles, and pamphlets. They are a valuable source for Cornish history, particularly on a more modern level.


Cornish, New Hampshire, Historical Records

The Cemetery Caretaker Committee has converted to digital format Teenie Rock’s two volume Cornish, New Hampshire Historical Records.

Historical Records of Cornish Public Service Departments



Balloch Diaries

William Balloch, who lived in Cornish from 1820 to 1893, kept a diary of his everyday life. For a transcript visit our Balloch Diaries page.