Cornish Giving Tree at the Town Offices.

The Giving Tree has been put up in the Town Offices (488 Town House Road). On the tree are tags with wanted or needed gifts that include size and color preference if the gift is for clothing. You are welcome to wrap the gift, which is appreciated, but please BE SURE to attach the corresponding tag with the gift. If you would like to include a receipt for the gift please do. Return the gifts, WITH THE APPROPRIATE TAGS, to the Town Office. They can be delivered to anyone who is working in the office or just left under the tree. The deadline for dropping off gifts is Monday, December 18. The office is open until 8:30 p.m. due to the Board of Selectmen’s usual meeting time. Gift cards for grocery stores or Walmart are always welcome and encouraged. These can help a family cover food or necessary items during not only the holidays but the winter season. Hats and mittens are always a welcome addition to requested gifts for young ones.

If you know anyone who may need help making ends meet or need something as simple as a winter hat please contact Marie De Rusha, Director of General Assistance, by email or at 603-558-0391 (call/text) .